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0604 | Schools, part one (Evergreen)

Updated: Feb 13

We begin looking at attacks and odd encounters at college campuses on the west coast, with one particular campus - familiar to us all - coming up again and again. These encounters force us to re-evaluate a previously covered disappearance, something from the Kim interviews, and Israel Keyes's marathon days.

Written, produced, and researched by Josh Hallmark

With additional research by: Shana Wilensky, and Kim K.

Patreon producers: Amelia Hancock, Amy Basil, Annemarie Cash, Annette L, Asch Fish, Benjamin Cioppa-Fong, Casey Jensen-Richardson, Drew Vipond, Hallie Reed, Heather Horton-Whedon, Jessica Alihodzic, Jillian Natale, Jordan Goodnight, Kathleen Studer, Kendall C, Kharisma Rodriguez, Kimberly K, Lana, Lauren F, Lindsay Kurtis, Lindsey Loucifer, Lynnlie Tuschoff, Manolis Boukolus, Nicole and Dennis Henry, Sarah King, SC, Shelly Brewer, Sherri D, Tuesdi Woodworth, Vicki Russell, Zack Ignatowicz Warren, Beth McNally, John Comrie, Jordan Taylor, Sara Cee, Shawna Hardin, and Lydia Fiedler.






Salt by Sarah Belkner


William Hellfire

Radical Face

Tai Argaman

Jordan Hatfield

James Forest


Dan Mayo



You can support the show by joining the Patreon Team.



Israel Keyes, Jonathan Corey, Kami Vollendroff, Eugene Hyatt

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